Personal Portfolio Website - Andrew Peterson

Personal Portfolio Website - Andrew Peterson

Date: August 02, 2020

For years I struggled to make my Portfolio website, with my first attempt after I graduated University in the summer of 2003...that was a bit of a failure. In 2008 I tried again, and after many false starts with Wordpress, I managed to slap together a Wordpress site that I hosted myself. It was a proud moment!

I enjoyed the process so much that in the years since I started to learn HTML, CSS and Javascript. Eventually, I started taking React and React Native courses, which brought me to Gatsby. Once again I started and stopped a few times trying to get a Gatsby site together, and what you see now was my latest attempt, which I started from the basic "hello-world" starter. Once again, I'm proud of it ;)

Tools used:

  • VSCode
  • Gatsby
  • Bulma